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'Georgie Porgie' perfoms on North TV

NORTH ATTLEBORO - Local legend George Leonard is the guest on a special edition of North TV's “Inside Look” premiering this week on North TV's Community Channel.

Better known by most as “Georgie Porgie,” Leonard was told by Attleboro High School Principal Joe Joyce back in the mid-sixties to either cut his hair or not to return to school.

Leonard opted for the latter in a case that made its way all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

He discussed that story and many others before performing a new song that is dear to his heart, “South Attleboro.”

Click the video below to stream his performance.

The entire interview with Leonard can be seen on North TV’s Community Channel: Comcast channel 15 and Verizon channel 24 in North Attleboro and Comcast channel 11 in Plainville.

Check out the times by clicking here:


“Inside Look: George ‘Georgie Porgie’ Leonard” is also available for streaming by becoming a North TV Insider. Click here to register:
