Test 3

Credit coming for NAED customers

NORTH ATTLEBORO - North Attleborough Electric customers may not know it, but they’re about to receive a credit.

A power cost adjustment and revenue credit were discussed during the meeting of the board of electric commissioners last Thursday night at NAED.

The board was presented with options after various scenarios were demonstated by General Manager Peter Schiffman.

The topic was one of many discussed when North TV interviewed Schiffman Tuesday during a recording of “The NAED Show.”

Click the video below to watch him provide details about the upcoming credit.

North TV's interview with Peter Schiffman and the rest of “The NAED Show: Winter/Spring Edition” can be seen in its entirety starting Friday, March 14 on North TV's Community Channel: Comcast channel 15 and Verizon channel 24 in North Attleboro and Comcast channel 6 in Plainville. It will also be available on North TV's Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23 in North Attleboro.

You can also stream that show by cutting and pasting this link:
