Test 3

25 mph limit recommended in NA

NORTH ATTLEBORO - You’ll need to lighten up on the gas pedal when travelling through the downtown area if Town Manager Michael Borg follows the recommendation of the town’s traffic study advisory group.

DPW Director Mark Hollowell, Fire Chief Chris Coleman and Police Captain Jason Roy unanimously recommended a 25 miles per hour speed limit on North Washington Street from St. Mary Church to the police station on South Washington Street.

Click the video below to stream their vote.

Thurday’s meeting can be be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23.

Check out the times by cutting and pasting this link:


The April 9 traffic study advisory group meeting is also available for streaming on that same North TV website, now a FREE service to all North Attleboro residents.