Test 1

Best in the Nation
The Alliance for Community Media Hometown Media Awards is a nationwide organization established to honor and promote community media and local cable programs that are distributed on Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) access cable television channels. Each year, thousands of entries are submitted from across the nation. A panel of judges evaluate the entries and awards are presented to the most creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats and move viewers to experience television in a different way.
Overall Excellence in Governmental Programming
1st Place, First Day: The Kindergarten Experience: Educational Activities
1st Place, A Town of Faith: Spiritual/Inspirational Honorable Mention, Thanksgiving Day Football: Live Format

Best in the Northeastern United States
The Alliance for Community Media – New England Region represents hundreds of PEG Access studios from every New England state and the state of New York. Similar to the National Hometown Media Awards, the many hundreds of entries are judged for their originality, professional creation, and value to the viewing audience.
3rd Place, Camp Shady Pines: Historical Documentary-Professional
1st Place, North TV Sports: Sports Programming Professional
1st Place, North TV Sports: Live Event or Programming Professional
3rd Place, North TV Reports: The Great Recession: Documentary Professional Profile?
1st Place, First Day: The Kindergarten Experience: School and Educational Programming Professional
2nd Place, Town of Faith: St. Mark's: Science, Health, Spirituality Professional Programing
3rd Place, Thanksgiving Day Football: Sports Programming Professional
3rd Place, Living Linkie Style: Instructional and Training
3rd Place, MIAA Playoff Football: Live Programming Professional?
1st Place, MIAA basketball tournament: Sports Programming Professional
3rd Place, A Town of Faith: Science, Health, Spirituality Professional Programming
3rd Place, First Day: The Kindergarten Experience: School and Educational Programming Professional
1st place, North TV Sports: Live Event or Programming Professional
3rd Place, A Town of Faith: Science, Health, Spirituality Professional Programming
1st Place, Thanksgiving Day Football: Sports Professional Programming
2nd Place, Thanksgiving Day Football: Live Event or Programming Professional
3rd place, Behind the Scenes: Community School: Educational Professional Programming
1st Place, MIAA State Wrestling Championship: Sports Professional Programming