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State awards North $500k for Landry Ave.

NORTH ATTLEBORO - Town Manager Michael Borg and Department of Public Works Director Mark Hollowell announced on Tuesday the town was awarded a Complete Streets grant to improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure along Landry Avenue.

North Attleboro received $500,000 as part of the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program to update and improve existing road infrastructure along Landry Avenue between the Martin elementary school and Route 152.

The project will feature new safety improvements and multimodal accomodations, including five-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of Landry Avenue and narrowed road lanes for safer bicycle traffic.

ADA-compliant curb ramps with tactile warning panels and high visibility crosswalks with a set of flashing beacons will also be added to the existing mid-block crossing and at the Route 152 crossing.

The project was ranked priority four in the town’s prioritization plan and will address safety, ADA accessibility, and pedestrian and bicycle mobility needs.