NORTH ATTLEBORO - Officials received great news Wednesday; the town's school district is in line to receive state funding for a new high school or an extensive renovation and expansion.
The announcement from the Massachusetts School Building Authority listed North Attleboro among the districts across the state invited to conduct a feasibility study.
It is the next step in applying for aid from the state agency.
It was one of the topics discussed Thursday when Town Council President Justin Pare and Vice President John Simmons visited the North TV studio for a recording of their quarterly program, “Inside Town Council.”
Click the video below to stream the discussion about the positive development.
That episode of “Inside Town Councilt” can be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23.
Check out the schedule of times the program will be replayed by clicking here:
That program is also available for streaming at any time on any device by clicking here: