Test 3

North's 'measure & list' underway

NORTH ATTLEBORO - The true value of all taxable property will soon be realized.

The town has contracted with Vision Government Solutions to conduct a survey of all taxable property.

Employees of the Hudson-based company will look at exterior measurements of homes and buildings along with additional features such as garages, sheds and pools.

They’ll also confirm flooring, the number of bedrooms, finished basements, heating and second kitchens.

Residents are not required to let the auditors in their home; if that is the case, auditors will make their best estimates from walking the exterior of the house.

Assistant Assessors Cheryl Smith and Chair of the Board of Assessors John Bellissimo discussed the process during a recording of "Inside Government" on Monday.

Click the video below to stream highlights of Monday's progtram.

That edition of “Inside Government” can be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23.

Check out the schedule of times that program will be replayed by clicking here:


The interview with Smith and Bellissimo is also available for streaming at any time on any device by clicking here:
