Test 3

Seniors asking for exemptions on new NAHS taxes

NORTH ATTLEBORO - The JoAnn Cathcart Conference Room at town hall was packed with senior citizens wanting to comment on the potential of new high school.

A special home rule act to reduce or eliminate the additional taxes needed to construct a new high school has been proposed in the event a debt exclusion is passed during a special election on June 3.

The agenda item to discuss the proposal was requested by councilor Mark Gould, who asked fellow councilors to vote on the matter after hearing from residents Monday night.

Although a public hearing wasn’t scheduled on the issue, councilors agreed to hear from the residents during the part of the meeting set aside for resident and community comment.

Click the video below to watch highlights of that portion of the meeting.

Monday’s meeting can be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23 in North Attleboro.

You can also stream that meeting by clicking here:


Archived government meeting are provided as a FREE service to all North Attleboro and Plainville residents.