Test 3

Student numbers to increase

NORTH ATTLEBORO - The school system will soon begin to increase the number of students who will attend school in person four days a week. 

Superintendent Scott Holcomb announced during the school committee's November meeting Monday night that students falling into certain at risk groups will be given the opportunity to attend class in person with both cohorts A and B. 

School officials have analyzed how many seats they currently have available while still keeping desk distanced six feet apart. The six-feet distance is needed so students will be able to remove their masks to eat at their desks. 

Currently, only the Amvet School and 8th grade at the Middle School do not have the room to bring in additional students.

The schools' administrative team is drafting a policy in regards to which students will be brought back for the additional days.

Students will be chosen from two major groups: those with high needs and students whose families are homeless. Students of teachers in town would also be considered to return to school for the additional days.

Click below to stream Holcomb's presentation to the school committee during Monday night's meeting: