Test 3

'Up for Discussion' tackles NAHS scoreboard

NORTH ATTLEBORO - The finance committee’s unanimous recommendation and the town’s council’s 8-1 vote to appropriate $300,000 for a digital scoreboard for the high school’s Raymond E. Beaupre Jr. Field was one of the topics on the agenda when Sun Chronicle Columnist Mike Kirby and WARA Radio’s Paul Healy were in the North TV studio for a recording of “Up for Discussion: Summer/Fall News Edition” on Tuesday.

What did they have to say?

Click the video below to stream their comments.

Other topics discussed during that recording included the lack of knowledge posters on social media have about their local government, doing away with the U-G-H at the end of North Attleborough, doing away with elections and thoughts on another Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump election.

That program can be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Community Channel: Comcast channel 15 and Verizon channel 24.

Check out the times by clicking here:


“Up for Discussion: Summer News Edition” is also available for streaming by becoming a North TV Insider. Clear here to register:
