Y's Livestrong event honors doctor
WRENTHAM - The Hockomock YMCA celebrated its Livestrong program Tuesday night at Lake Pearl in Wrentham.
WRENTHAM - The Hockomock YMCA celebrated its Livestrong program Tuesday night at Lake Pearl in Wrentham.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - There was a time North TV’s weekly news, website and email NEWSletter included the number of COVID cases in North Attleboro, Plainville and across the state.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - North TV kicks off a new series this week.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - There's good news to report for those of you who live in town and have your trash picked up as part of the town’s solid waste program.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - A proposed zoning amendment to prohibit the development of additional self-storage facilities and mobile home parks is slowly making its way through town government.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - There’s a good chance if you visit any of local social media pages you’ll see multiple postings and comments about rats.
PLAINVILLE - The select board took a major step to improve the town’s water issues on Tuesday night.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - A week after the town's bylaw study subcommittee voted down a proposed modification of an existing bylaw restricting the use of alcohol consumption on town property, the measure...
NORTH ATTLEBORO - Health experts are predicting that COVID numbers will rise again across the Commonwealth as people head indoors and new variants emerge.
NORTH ATTLEBORO - A proposal to allow alcohol on town owned property was voted down by members of the North Attleboro bylaw subcommittee on Monday night.